KawaiiParkour Logo



KawaiiParkour is a Spigot Minecraft server plugin to have your players time their parkour runs!

Current Released For: 1.16.3 — Latest version: v1.0



Permission KawaiiParkour.admin gives all these permissions!


How do I prevent my players from taking fall damage?

I'd recommend using something like WorldGuard or gamerules to prevent that.

How do I create a parkour?

Place a iron pressure plate for your start point, a stone pressure plate for any checkpoints, and a gold pressure plate for the end point of your course. Then use /parkour create <name> and step on the pressure plates in order. Once you get to the gold pressure plate, the parkour will be enabled!

How do I stop/start the fireworks/meows from happening?

Use /parkour option <option> or change it in the config and restart the server.

Can I give you feedback? How can I give a positive review?

Of course! All feedback is welcome. I'd really appreciate any positive reviews as well. You can do that here.

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